What is stress? Stress can be defined as “any type of change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain.” All this can sometimes feel overwhelming and result in stress.

In life, many things are vying for our attention at the same time. Our bosses insist that we perform better at work, our children need to be taken care of, and monetary issues constantly occupy our minds. Modern living means having to always deal with more than one pressing issue at a time. 

Scientists have long known that uncontrolled stress can physically alter the body in dangerous ways. For example, the American Psychological Association highlights the fact that stress can result in muscular tension, shortness of breath, heart problems, and an increase in the levels of the stress hormone. 

This means that uncontrolled stress can result in serious damage to your body, shaving years off your life and predisposing you to contracting bodily illness. 

Dealing With Stress 


We all have stressors in life that we cannot avoid, despite our best efforts to do so. Even if you were to move to a secluded island, you will soon find yourself experiencing a different set of stressors. Stress is simply part and parcel of life. 

The better question to ask is this: How are you dealing with stress? Do you allow stress to accumulate in your mind and body and keep telling yourself that that’s fine? Or are you mindful of the stressors in your life and fight to keep them at bay? 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have some tips on dealing with stress: 

  • Taking breaks from listening to the news. 
  • Looking after your body by getting enough sleep and exercising regularly. 
  • Doing activities you enjoy. 
  • Sharing about your problems with others. 

When practiced on a consistent basis, these tips can help reduce the stress levels in your life. You’ll soon find yourself feeling calmer and more in control of your emotions. 

Asking For Help 

Sometimes, we can be so overwhelmed with stress that self-help alone does not fully alleviate the situation. In this case, it may be time to ask for professional help. 

There are various types of help available for stress/anxiety/burnout. If you speak to a qualified psychiatrist about your condition, your psychiatrist may prescribe you various forms of treatment that best suit your needs. 

One popular form of treatment is cognitive behavioral therapy. This is a form of talking therapy that allows you and your psychiatrist to uncover harmful patterns of thinking. This then opens the door for you to change those harmful innate responses and replace them with something more positive. 

Pope Paul VI once said, “Nothing makes one feel so strong as a call for help.” These words of wisdom tell us that asking for help is a sign of strength — not weakness. 

If you continue to prioritize your well-being above all else and seek help when necessary, you’ll soon become an unstoppable force in everything you pursue in life. 


  1. Scott, E (2022). What Is Stress?
  2. American Psychological Association (2018). Stress effects on the body
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2022). Coping with stress
  4. Kidadl Team (2021). 65 Best ‘Asking For Help’ Quotes to Guide You

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